
MGUA: Hyde Affair Part 2

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Malkin Grey University Anecdotes “Hyde Affair”
By Sephzero

Elaine stepped outside the building as she checked her watch for the time. Her last club meeting had run a bit long and her meeting with the student president was fast approaching. She knew the president wouldn’t mind it, but she wouldn’t like it.

The campus still had a number of students about it, most of them were probably just getting out of their club meeting as she made her way to the student government room.

It was a pretty important meeting for her at least. One of the student clubs, wrestling club to be exact, was recently uncovered to have been misusing the budget the student government had allocated to it fund student activities. It warranted extreme concern for the student government and steps had already been taken to discipline the club for its action.

“Going somewhere?”

Elaine paused as she noticed several students standing in her path; it wasn’t too hard for her to tell who they were from their prior meeting. It was some of the members of the wrestling club. They were a motley band as they slowly move to circle around her.

The speaker was their president, Gumbo, he was a particularly large and broad fellow though he kept his head clean shaven his face had a few scars on it obviously from some fights. He sneer a bit as he towered over her.

“I have a student government meeting.” Elaine replied as she locked eyes with Gumbo.

“This would be about the future of our club, no?” Gumbo inquired as he leaned down a bit to get to even level with Elaine’s face. “We don’t quite like the idea of the student government sticking its nose in our business.”

“Evidence was found citing misbehavior on your finances using money the student government provided for you to operate your activities.” Elaine said not betraying any signs of intimidation. “It is the duty as the student government to ensure such things are not allowed to happen.”

“And I’m telling you to call it off.” Gumbo grunted jabbing a finger against Elaine’s forehead.

Elaine stumble a bit from the force of the jab as the other members simply laughed. She looked around desperately, but besides the wrestling club and her there wasn’t anyone else in sight. If they decide to get violent, it didn’t seem like anyone would even notice.

They probably set up this “meeting” here just to be sure of no witness.

“If you have issues, you can take it up with the student government itself. We have procedures for handling this.” Elaine said trying to control the situation.

“And I think bullying one of their members to calling it off is so much faster. After all you put us through quite a spot because of this investigation.” Gumbo replied using one of his fingers to clean his ear.

Elaine was afraid of this. When she had initially reported this to the president, she had concern he was making things more problematic then what they need to be.

One week earlier.

“President, I have completed all the work from our last meeting. Some of them are currently being endorsed by Mr. Thomas, but will be ready for submission soon.” Elaine reported as she held out the papers.

“That’s nice.” Tate said as he drummed his fingers on the desk. “You really didn’t need to bother since we can still hold off on the matters for another month.”

Ignoring Tate’s obvious unconcern on carrying out his function, Elaine continued her report, “I’ve also sadden to report upon investigating some irregularity in the wrestling club’s finance reports there is evidence of fraudulent accounting.”

The president raised an eyebrow at the news. “How disappointing, we are so generous to them and it seems they pull something like this. Guess we’ll have to discipline them else no one is going to respect the Student Government.”

Elaine still wasn’t sure what exactly motivates the president.

“I have all the report here.” She offered to him, but he simply waved it off. “It is proper for you to actually look it over before passing judgment.”

“Reviewing would only mean I question your integrity and work, which I most certainly do not.” Tate responded with a wink.

Or you don’t want to do more work then necessary, Elaine thought to herself.

“Best thing to do is instate an immediate suspension of all club’s activity and submit a request for a formal investigation on them. Have the paperwork taken care for me.” Tate proclaimed striking a dramatic pose with his chest puffed out and one leg propped up.

“It sounds a bit swift?” Elaine inquired. Even though she certainly didn’t like the fact a student club performed such activities, but the president’s decision would definitely inflame tempers. The wrestling club might do something serious in retaliation.

“We need to make an example of them, can’t let other clubs think such activities would be tolerated.” Tate declared laughing. “They must understand and respect the power of the student government. Let all tremble at our might and cower in our wake.”

“As you say…” Elaine stammered at the president’s antics. Sometimes he really seem to push the envelopes a bit too much. She definitely did not know where he got away with acting so crazily like this as the student president no less too.

Dropping back down to his seat, he sighed. “That felt good, well I deserve a break.”

And of course, his actions had dropped her right into this situation.

Elaine tried to hold back her anger at their actions as she replied, “Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself for conducting yourself like this? Have you no pride of being a student?”

“Shame? Pride?” Gumbo roared in laughter along with the other members.  “Maybe that S-Rank emblem of yours is cutting off the oxygen to your brain or something because you are talking nonsense.”

“So you are nothing more then delinquents with no care on who you hurt for your own selfishness?” Elaine asked holding her head down so her hair cast a shadow over her eyes.

“Don’t think you can get all high and mighty on us just cause you are a S-rank and part of student government.” Gumbo warned as he cracked his knuckles. The other members also looked like they were getting ready for some action. “I think it is time we showed the lady just what sort of wrestling moves we contribute to the school.”

“Hey, what are you kids doing? It better not be inexcusable behaviors or I’ll have your hides!”

Gumbo and the other club members twist around at the direction of the voice as one of them stuttered, “Was that Mr. Garson? I though this are was suppose to be clean?”

“I don’t see him…” Gumbo muttered he scanned the area. He could have sworn he heard the voice; the club didn’t need any more trouble on them then what they had already committed too.

The girl! They couldn’t let her run away now while they were distracted after what they’ve just pulled now. Before Gumbo could even turn around, he barely stepped aside as several members came flying by him.

They slammed into the ground and twitched a bit as they laid there unconscious. A few of them showed visible signs of beating on their faces and body.

“What just happened…?” Gumbo stuttered as he heard the sound of several more members yelling in pain before crumpling to the ground.

Before he could even doing anything more, he felt a swift strike to the back of his neck before darkness consumed him as he crashed into the ground.

Elaine stood there silently as she looked at the battered forms of the members of the wrestling club; it had too easy for her. Too easy for her to revert back to that time and take them all out. She was sure none of them could positively tell it was her who had taken them out and there was no one else to have spotted her either, but the very fact she had to do it sickened her.

“Is it impossible?” she asked herself as she looked at her shaking hand. She had thought after all these years she’d gotten over it, but it still was there dwelling waiting for her to let down her guard so it could show itself.

The time when she wasn’t Elaine Melbourne S-Rank student and member of the student government of Malkin Grey University, before she had concern herself so much with doing what was proper and appealing for others. A time when she had allow herself to simply run about on her own selfish whims not caring who she’d hurt to do so. The memories of herself back then send a shudder through her bodies as a tear ran down the side of her face those horrible times when she was a monster to everyone.

Clenching her fist, Elaine shook her head to clear her thoughts. She’d never let things happen to become like that again. Everything was different now; there was no need to concern herself about it anymore.

Picking up the discarded school bag she had used to clock one of the wrestling club members, Elaine did a quick dust-off of herself as she made her way to the student government room over the littered bodies of surrounding her.

Stepping out from behind the corner of a neighboring building, Jekyll simply smiled as he watched her walk off. It was all just as he had expected and the wrestling club members were quite the sporting bunch to bait her out like that. He was sure the student president would convey the message to her.


Malkin Grey University has a student government for each educational level provided by the school. It is the duty of the student government to approve, coordinate, and oversee all student related activities including clubs, festivals, and other similar activities. It was also their duty to allocate the budget for each of the clubs too. Certain decisions typically one involving the entire student body required approval from the Student Council.

This practice allowed for students to be able to manage a certain amount of their own affairs. It further helped cultivate skills important when the students finally leave the school. Serving in it accord a great honor with many of the members being the top ranked students in the class.

It was the expectation at least in theory.

Currently the student government had a rather unusual period for it as the current reigning student president Tate was a bit of an eccentric. Wildly popular amongst the students for his antics and generous celebration, to the rest of the student government members he was quite a hand-full. His habit of dressing up in strange ensembles with a retinue in tow was just one of those things.

Current theme was Arabian Nights.

Elaine wasn’t too sure if she wanted to know how he converted the student government room into a massive chamber lined with tapestry, rugs, and pillows to capture the feeling of a sultan palace. Tate rested on a particular pile of pillows dressed in rich robes to the fit the theme. To his sides were female attendants dressed in scantly outfits performing a myriad of tasks from playing music, fanning him, and even servicing him with fruits.

“Greetings Elaine, what brings you here?” Tate greeted as Elaine still look rather shocked at the changes he had made. “Please, sit down and rest. I can assure you the pillows are quite comfy.”

“I’m alright with standing.” Elaine declined not wishing to get too involved in all of this.

“So what businesses do you that involves the student president?” Tate inquired as he open his mouth for an attendant to drop a grape in it.

“I’ve finished the report we’ve been conducting on our investigation of the financial fraud being conducted by the wrestling club.” Elaine said producing the report. She decided after what had happened earlier, it would be best not to mention the incident with the club to Tate. It would produce some questions she’d rather leave unanswered.

“Very good,” Tate clapped as one his attendant retrieved the report and handed it to him, “I was afraid those uncouth students running it might try to do something unsavory to get us off their back. But it appears I was wrong.”

“It seems so.” Elaine replied hesitantly. She wasn’t sure if Tate might have known what happened or he was just musing randomly.

“Probably would have caused a big incident if they did pull something like that and it came out. I’m sure the student news & media club would be all over it.” Tate continued to muse as he flipped through the report.

Elaine simply nodded. She was aware of the recent changes going through the student news & media club these days. It was originally just a club set up to print and distribute the school newspaper, but the mission statement changed when Brenda Olsen came onboard. She idealize herself as an up and coming journalist and radically change the club focus and name to making it the top student news media in the school. Elaine could only count the number of times, she been interview by Brenda on a number of stories reported in the school.

“It would also look badly on our school as well.” Elaine added as the President closed the report. “To maintain the faith in the integrity of the students clubs, we need to ensure this incident is handled with precious and care.”

“Right. Right.” Tate waved his hands as he reclined back on his pillows. “Well, unless something else comes up, that’ll be all for today.”

As she turned and started to walk out of the student government room, she heard the president clear his throat.

“Oh yeah, can’t remember then name right now, but the teacher named after the popular character wanted to see you when you were done with this as well.”

Elaine knew of only one teacher who fit that description. “You mean Mr. Jekyll?”

“That‘s the one.” Tate remarked before returning back to his relaxation.

Elaine continued to walk out the room as she closed the door behind as she stood in the hallway of the school. The final lights of the setting sun were shining through the windows casting a soft glow across the hallway. Most of the students should have already left the campus, excusing those who had club activities or meetings by this hour.

She walked down the empty hallway as she wondered what Mr. Jekyll wanted with her. The fading light of the sun slowly blanket the hallway behind her in darkness as she walked on.


Jekyll idly watched the flames of the Bunsen burner lick the bottom of the vial as he slowly watched the content mix and bubble. Slowly the mixture began to take a uniform green pallor as thin wispy greenish vapor rose up from the vial. It would not be much longer before it would be ready.

The ceiling lights illuminated the chemistry lab as the light from the sun had largely diminished to a mere afterglow against the window. Night would soon come descend upon the campus. It will be the perfect time.

“Let us celebrate tonight, a birthday.” Jekyll smiled as he studied the vial before him.

A knocking sound caught his attention as Elaine stood in the doorway.

“Mr. Jekyll, you wanted to see me?” she asked stepping into the lab.

“Yes dear,” Jekyll smiled as he turned around to face her, “I hope I wasn’t too hard to find?”

“Mr. Garson told me where you were when I came to the faculty office to find you.” Elaine replied exempting the thirty minute long rant Garson had on the failings of students these days.

“He probably hit you with one of his tirades.” Jekyll apologized knowing full well what his fellow teacher’s tendencies. “By the way, you look pretty worn out.”

Elaine blinked as she then took a quick survey of herself. Her outfit and everything appeared to be in order so she guessed it must be visible on her face.

“It is nothing,” Elaine said running her hand through her long hair, “things have been a bit more active today then I’d expected.”

Scratching his chin, Jekyll said, “I was going to ask you something, but if you are tired then it is probably best for you to head home. It is rather late, so it was my fault for dragging you here like this.”

“It isn’t a problem.” Elaine said as Jekyll started to turn away. “I don’t have anything else planned so I’m perfectly free with whatever you need of me.”

Jekyll kept his back to her for a moment as he smiled, before turning around changing his expression to one of concern.

“Are you sure about it? This is some pretty important work I want you to help me conduct.” He asked as Elaine nodded.

This wasn’t the first time; Jekyll had requested Elaine’s help in monitoring one of the teachers’s little late-night experiment. Most of the time, they were simply harmless test of different chemical reactions and stuff so Elaine didn’t have any doubts on there being any difficulties.

“Alright, well I got a very special batch brewing up today.” Jekyll said as he clapped his hands together. “Tonight work is going to be exceptionally interesting cause it is using a pretty rare ingredient for it.” He added as he showed Elaine the beakers and stuff set up on the table.

“Isn’t this just salt?” Elaine asked examining the rare ingredient.

“Not your garden variety,” Jekyll smiled wagging his finger at her, “it is a particular variety of salt you aren’t going to find almost anywhere.”

“So what do you want me to do exactly?” Elaine asked as she studied the vial being heated over the burner.

“Nothing too much, I just want you to copy down some basic information on reaction and such once the compound is ready.” Jekyll remarked as he handed her a notepad. “I’ve already started the process awhile back so it should be ready soon.”

A loud ringing sound cut through the room as Elaine and Jekyll both turn their gaze to the source of the sound from one of Jekyll’s coat pocket. Sheepishly chuckling, Jekyll pulled out the cell phone as he opened it up.

“Yes, this is Henry speaking.” He replied to the caller. “What? Do I have to? But I’m in the middle of something. Okay, I understand.” Jekyll sighed as he closed his cellphone and shoved it back into his pocket.

“What is wrong?” Elaine asked as Jekyll scratched his head.

“Something has come up and I need to go to the faculty office. I know this might seem a bit offhand, but can you watch the experiment till I get back. It shouldn’t be long hopefully.” Jekyll requested as looked back to the vial.

“Don’t worry about it.” Elaine said as she patted Jekyll on the shoulder.

“Thank you,” Jekyll said as he stopped at the doorway on his way out, “remember to take it off the heater in ten minutes. The compound will become unstable if allowed to remain on there any longer.”


Dr. Jekyll walked down the hallway of the school; night had already shown itself as he could see the stars in the sky through the window. Pausing for a bit, he gazed up at the sky as he looked at the bright moon up there. A smile creep across his lips again, he simply took in the whole situation before him.

The girl was quite foolish in her attempt to put others before herself. When the compound is ready, it will have a ready test subject for its use. The desire was something he had not since anyone been able to fight off regardless of willpower.

“It is going to be quite a night.” Jekyll smiled to the moon as he walked off leaving the light of the lab behind.


Elaine idly watched the chemical mixing with one another as she carefully monitor the time as per Jekyll’s instruction. The whole compound experiment did strike her curiosity on what exactly Jekyll was up to this time. Putting down the notepad and pen on the table, she picked up the report folder examining the title label on it.

The Formula.

Certainly explained everything about the experiment…

“He should really work on making better titles.” Elaine sighed as she put the folder back down on the table and leaned against the table. Jekyll was as vague as ever on his work it seems, the current one wasn’t much of a step up from the other works: the experiment, the test, the reaction, etc. It was probably this slight eccentricity of his, which made him a tempting target for jokes with his name not helping matters either.

Her watch gave a beep signaling the timer had run out.

“Guess it is time.” Elaine remarked to herself as she turned off the heat from the burner and carefully removed the vial holding it in her hand. The compound seemed to have stabilized in their current mix as she studied it. A small wisp of vapor slowly emitted from it out of the opening as it slowly faded away after a bit. Strangely it had a cool feel to it despite she had just removed it from the heater, not a trace of warmth was on it.

Gazing back at the doorway, Elaine guessed Jekyll probably won’t be back for awhile leaving her to wait it out. The compound probably wasn’t going to be unusable by the time he came back given he didn’t mention any warnings on what to do besides removing it from the heater. Looking around, Elaine noticed here wasn’t anything in place to hold the vial. It seems like she was going to have to wait things with it in hand.

Absently Elaine looked upon the compound in her hand once again. The cool feeling it had on her hand as she held still seemed unsettling to her. Thinking about it, she wondered why Jekyll had only produced a single sample like this. Excusing very small dosage, it didn’t look it could be used for much.  She casually held the vial up closer to her face starring into it accidentally getting a whiff of the vapor it emitted.

Her senses suddenly exploded for a moment causing her to reel back a bit stumbling against one of the lab tables for support as she tried to regain her balance. It was only by fortune; she didn’t drop the vial after the effect had seized her. The feeling she just felt it was completely overwhelming like nothing she’d ever experience before.

“What was that?” Elaine gasped as she looked down at the vial again in her hand. As she felt herself settling down something else seemed to start bubbling to fore inside of her. It was desire, a longing for more of the sensation.

She felt a strange urge coming over her as she couldn’t draw her eyes away from looking at the compound with the vial. Her breathings were starting to quicken as her entire body started heave up and down with each breath as the urge started to seize her body completely. Fear started to boil up in her, but it was minor to this urge she felt almost helpless to resist.

Slowly her hand lifted the vial up shaking unsteadily as part of her wanted to resist what was happening in fear of what was happening. Her mouth slowly stretching open as the vial drew closer her tongue sticking out in anticipation. The compound slowly edge toward the opening as she tipped it forward a single droplet landing rolled out onto her tongue.

Her mind lost all control for the moment as she brought the vial to her lips and quaff the content.

Control of herself abruptly returned as quickly as it had departed momentarily, as she pulled back the vial away from herself and dropped it onto the table. Her hands though were still shaking as Elaine reassessed what had just happened. She knew what just happened, but couldn’t fathom why it had occurred so easily.

She had no idea what was in the compound, it may had never been intended for physical consumption yet a part of it knew it not to be true. The fact how easily she seemed to have lost herself to whatever actions the thing evoked from was increasingly disturbing to her. Her mind started to race on what was happening to her.

Elaine had to find Jekyll, she knew he would know what was going on, but as she tried to move herself to do so a sudden violent convulsion struck her entire body. She fell to her knees as her right hand held against the table for support as the other pressed against the floor. The compound she had so readily consumed earlier was quickly make its presence known as it coursed throughout her body.

She felt racking pangs tearing through her hopeless to affect anything against what was seizing her body as the compound flow made its effect to her brain. Her head reared back as her eyes shifted into a golden glow as her mouth open in an empty scream. Other changes began to show themselves as her formerly straight hair started to shift becoming wild tangles as red streaks overwhelm her natural hair. The crimson mane fell over her shoulder and face as it seemed to writhe about almost on its own.

Her left hand started to twitch as the fingers splayed themselves out to their fullest, her nails started to darken and lengthen into black talons. The fingers started to shift as blotches of bluish-green color started to spread down them spread along them. Soon her hand had taken the pallor as the colors slowly started to creep up her arm replace the natural color of her skin with a more inhuman tone.

As dreadful the transformation wrought upon her hand twisting into a terrifying claw, other effects were making themselves noticed on her too. Her form started to expand as it gained in stature as it begin to fill her uniform with the increasing frame. The cuff of her sleeves pulled back from her arms till the swelling forearm trapped its retreat. Her shoes were as well strain as it tried to contain her rapidly growing feet which started to deform the leather as it aggressively pressed against the interior. The uniform was rapidly finding itself stretched tight trying to contain her growing frame.

Tears started to appear along parts of the uniform as blacken bone-like spurs emerged jutted out from her elbows emerging through the rip. Similar formations also cut their way out splitting the threads of the uniform from her shoulders as they also emerged out of her knee. The bluish-green coloration spread out from those points as more of her body took the unnatural color over itself. Down her spines, the same odd blade-like spurs emerged along her back as some of them cut their way through the back of her uniform shirt and coat.

Her mouth started to ache as she gasped opening it wide as her teeth remolded themselves into sharp pointed edges like a shark. The bluish-green color quickly consumed almost all of her flesh as her ears started to stretch out becoming long pointed sticking out beyond the wild red tangles of her hair. As these changes continued on their course, Elaine felt something else happen inside of her. Her mind was starting to feel different as the physical changes alter her appearance. Strange thoughts and feelings begin to rise up within her pushing her normal feelings back as they rise to the fore. This shook her but it also gave her feeling of excitement as the compound commenced the final surge on her body.

The shoes split open as the black talons on her toes punched their way through tearing the footwear apart as it exploded out of them. Her socks quickly split apart along the sides from trying to hold the expanding feet and legs. The button on her coat had long since already given up the fight as it exposed her white collar shirt underneath. Her chest heaved as her lungs were burning for more oxygen as the change ran its course. The tears covered the uniform as much of it clung tightly to her frame tightly as it begin to take a more sensual shape. Large gaps appeared between her buttons on her shirt as they desperately attempted to hold her burgeoning bosoms as they pushed against the fabric. A single cry finally escaped her lips before she felt the changes ending as it left something else in its wake.

She felt a strange sensation throughout herself feeling the change subsiding, but what it had wrought left her renewed and changed. The feeling was almost completely alien something new she had never quite experience yet it also hint of something familiar within her as well. It was almost as if she had been born anew everything was fresh and vibrant to her once more.

Rising up from the floor, she took a moment to examine her self with a new sense of awe and interest on what had happen. The changes done to her seemed all so fascinating as she examined the alteration done. The fact she could hardly consider her appearance remotely normal or similar to how she was didn’t bother her in the least in fact it gave a sense empowerment to her. These changes seemed to evoke a far more bold feeling inside of her as she examined herself to her pleasure. The fact her one pristine uniform was in shamble with tears and rips filled her with a twisted sort of joy. With a simple tug, she tugged off one of the hanging ends of her sleeve off enjoying the sound of the tearing.

Even more dramatic then her appearance alteration and the invigorating power coursing through her from the change was her perception had greatly shifted much like the body. Where once she had concern herself with the petty works of others, she felt the weight of the concerns lifted from her shoulders. Her mind no longer burden itself with the fear of others as it knew such things no longer applied to her anymore. The expectation of others was nothing to her as she only cared for her own personal pleasures and desires.

This newfound sense of freedom delighted her as she reached up to the remains of her collar on her uniform and tore off the S-rank emblem from its spot. Holding it in her hand, she looked at this thing she once looked at with pride and only saw it as symbol of her prior foolishness. Chuckling to herself, she casually tossed it aside as she stretched out enjoying the exulting feeling of her new self in all of its aspect.

Her foot touched against something as she casually looked down and notice the remains of her watch on the floor. The night was still young; she smiled walking toward the windows to the lab looking out to the campus beyond. It would be a shame to simply waste herself waiting around for the idiot, Jekyll, even if she still was curious on what he had done to her.



She smiled exposing her sharp pointed teeth as it all came together, it appears he was closer to his name then anyone might have anticipated. It will be something she has to bring up with him when next they meet, but not like she wasn’t going to have some fun like this first.

“After all, I’m a Hyde am I not?” Hyde laughed to herself as flexed her talons. In a quick swipe motion the glass panes of the window fell apart from the cutting ends of her talon as she merely grin as the night coldness touched her exposed skin. “Let’s have some fun shall we?”

Hyde leaped out the window feeling the surge of power with the wind blowing against her as she landed on the ground several stories down. Not even pausing for a bit, she darted off into the night letting herself go to her whimsy.

The lab sat there silently for several still minutes before the sound of footsteps echoed down the hallway as they reached the doorway. Pausing for a bit as he looked at the torn bits of uniform and empty vial on the lab table, Jekyll noticed a student emblem lying on the floor. Walking up to it, he picked it up as he traced his fingers along the S-imprint as he smiled.
Here is the second part of the story. The whole size limit for submission kind of forced my hand into splitting it up like this.

Even if DA is being a bit bother and not showing all of it on the gallery. So here are the direct link to the other parts.

Part 1. [link]
Part 3. [link]
© 2007 - 2024 Sephzero
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talonpoppy's avatar
owo am I the only one who wants to see all the Hyde's together?